Build & Design
In an endeavor to promote apprenticeship in India, a new scheme, National Apprenticeship Promotion Scheme (NAPS) has been launched by the Government in August 2016. The scheme entails financial support to establishments undertaking apprenticeship programs.

What is Apprenticeship Training?
Apprenticeship Training is a course of training in an industry or establishment, under a contract of apprenticeship which consists of Basic Training component and on the job training (OJT) /practical training.
- Apprenticeship Training is a course that comprises basic and practical training at the workplace, in an industry or establishment.
- An apprentice is a person who has signed a contract of apprenticeship with an establishment to undergo apprenticeship training.
Why Apprenticeship?
- Mandated under law for all establishment having more than 4 employees (including contractual employees) to engage apprentices.
- A proven solution for training and retaining world-class talent which is industry ready.

Legal Status of Apprentices
- Every apprentice undergoing apprenticeship training in an establishment shall be trainee and not a worker.
- The provisions of any law with respect to labour (such as EPF / ESI) shall not apply to or in relation to such apprentice.
- Establishment can engage apprentices of age 18 years & above in normal working hours of the establishment (including night shifts).
- For apprentices under the age of 18 years, establishments shall engage them in training between 8am to 6pm only.

Role of AITM as TPA (Third Party Aggregator)
- AITM is Collaborated with Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University (YCMOU) Under Learn & Earn Scheme for skill Diploma Courses in Association with Government of Maharashtra.
- AITM signed MoU with Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Govt. of India as a Third-Party Aggregator (TPA) to deploy Apprentice across India under NAPS Scheme.
As per TPA , AITM will perform the under said activities:
- Arrange the basic training under Apprentices Act through Basic Training Provider-BTP for fresher apprentices from the establishments which are desirous of outsourcing the basic training.
- Assit the establishments to get approval for Basic Training Centers (BTCs) in case these are not in the panel of approved BTCs.
- Match the demand of establishment for apprentices with the candidates desiring to undergo apprenticeships programme.
- Mobilize and counsel candidates to undergo apprenticeship training.
- Assist the establishment in designing course under apprentice programme and getting them NSQF aligned.
- Upload contracts of apprenticeship on the apprenticeship portal on behalf of the establishment for registration by Apprenticeship Advisor.
- Upload syllabus with duration of apprentice’s courses on behalf of establishment toward stipend paid to apprentices.
- Furnish all the returns on the portal-site on behalf of the establishment.
- Submit reimbursement claim on behalf of establishment towards stipend paid to apprentices.
- Submit reimbursement claim for basic training cost in case establishment is the basic training provider under NAPS.
- Ensure compliance of all formalities by the apprentices for appearing in assessment examinations as and when required.
- Assist the establishment to conduct assessment and issue certificates.
- The primary objective with which the Apprentices Act, 1961 was passed is to meet the increasing demand for skilled craftsman in the development of the country. It is intended by the Govt, to utilize, facilities available for training apprentices and to ensure that their training in accordance with a planned program.
- The main purpose of the Act is to provide practical training to eligible students in various trades. The objective is promotion of new skilled manpower. The training is also extended to non-engineering job roles.
- Addresses skill gap for the industry.
- Industry can design and run Apprenticeships in customized courses.
- Increases availability of industry ready skilled manpower well versed with culture of the company.
- Reduces attrition.
- Reduces expenditure on recruitment process.
- Studies establish that loyalty factor in apprentices is relatively higher
- Financial support from the government through NAPS
- An apprentice is not a workman throughout the apprentice training program. Statutory benefits like PF, ESIC,Gratuity,Bonus,LWF Act, Industrial Disputes Act and so forth aren’t applicable to the apprentice trainee.
- Cost saving: Approximately saving of 29.38% wrt other formats i.e., contractual workers.
- Organization can utilize the CSR budget for all expenditure related to the Apprentice Trainees under NAPS if the company engage the candidates above mandatory limits.
- Establishment gets financial support from the government up to Rs.1500 per month per candidate.
- Engagement of apprentices within a band of 2.5% to 15% ( For Maharashtra State 25%) of the total strength of employees of an establishment (including contractual employees)
- Establishments can engage apprentices of age 18 years and above in normal working hours of the establishment (including night shifts)
- An employer is not obliged to employ the apprentice after the completion of apprenticeship training.
- Engagement of apprentices in optional trades i.e., company can engage 10th, 12th ITI, Skill Certificate Holders, graduate, diploma pass / pursuing candidates in optional trade apprenticeship.
- Industry can design and run Apprenticeships in customized courses
- AITM is responsible for sourcing, & Liasioning with governing body.
Benefit of Apprenticeship of Apprenticeship
- Candidates as an apprentice undergoes extensive “on the job training” in an industry, which would enhance his employability.
- Receive Government and Industry Recognized Certification
- Earn a Stipend during Apprenticeship.
- Choose a Profession that they want.
- Acquire Specialized Skills through On-the-Job Training.
- Gaining confidence in abilities: Practice makes perfect. If trainees learned about a specific technique in the classroom, they are able to test it out in the world of work. Then they will be much more equipped with the technique.
- Develop Contacts – Working with professionals, the trainee will tap into a network that can offer references, advice and information about new technologies.
- Focused Career Direction – The trainee will be able to explore his/ her subject preferences and develop it into a career.
- Convert training into a Future Job – After completion of On Job Training & working experience students becomes a preferred choice of any recruiter in the coming year.